Whilst out walking, by a Husky. Both are fine, although Crystal is extremely shook up. Mayo stood his ground and protected her, meaning he's had loads of fuss and treats from Laura and myself.
Thank you, old mate, much appreciated. When we had our German Shepherds, we always kept them under control, even though we knew they were very soft.
Glad that physically both are ok. I hope Crystal isn't too shaken up though. Give her the day off remote control duties and do it yourself today Actually just give her an hour off, we don't want you to be seen as a soft touch.
As a regular dog walker, I’m guilty of sometimes not intervening before my over- friendly dog fusses somebody to death. I do notice that there are some people with fearsome looking dogs ( whatever the breed ) walking about with a certain attitude as much to say, come near us at your peril. Hope your family are not too affected by their ordeal.
I recall a few months back a certain owners husky dog attacking other dogs in and around town, hope both are fine
I'm a regular dog walker. I do it for fun & to help people out at times, not for money. I do OK out of music & like to make my own time not money driven. Being with the dogs & in the woods is my proper down time & exercise time too. It is really important to be focussed. I'm looking after the 3 dogs I walk a lot at the moment. They are all peaceful, lovely dogs, who are accredited to go into care homes, hospices, schools, etc. That said each one has little traits you need to keep an eye out for. Some folks don't like dogs. They are obviously **** wits, but I'll make sure my dogs leave them alone. The human link with dogs goes back about 15000 years, maybe older than the Egyptian civilisation, but these things are open to some debate. I never let them bother anyone who does not want to be bothered & if some idiot's dog goes for one of mine I'm first in, kicking the **** out of it & if needs be the owner. Not many bad dog owners in Leeds 6 now, but there used to be. The cops won't do anything until a human is bit, so rather than one of my dogs getting torn to pieces I will go in there. Kick a dog in its nose or knackers & it will usually back off quick. Only trained police dogs stand much of a chance against a human & then someone running away generally. I'm not recommending this to anyone else, but 15 years ago in Leeds 6 there were loads of young males with Staffies & German Shepherds that twice caused grave injuries to my rescued Jack Russell. No authorities gave a **** & on one occasion I had a £400 medical bill, so decided to fight back, as thee police, council, etc don't care. If I get bitten then yes, they may do something... or not.
That might be wise on here ,If you know what I mean. Things said in haste is occasionally took out of context. Well on line for sure.