Hi All After some advice, has anyone switched to city fibres network and if so what provider are you using. Virgin contract is up beginning of October so looking around now, from the providers listed Zen seems to be the favourable option. Cheers
With Vodafone in Donny, only problem is I'm on 500 mln guaranteed 250 but it does go lower during the day, you can get some good deals if you get in straight away.
Zen have an excellent reputation. I'm waiting for other parts of Barnsley to be done and family might make a change. Openreach appear to be waiting for 2026 to do their not.
I’ve been waiting to switch over since they installed it over 2 years ago and I’ve not been able to find anything about it since if I go on their website and put my address in it just says they are about to install it but as I previously stated they did it a couple of ears ago I wanted to switch away from virgin as well but I’m had to re sign with them for another 18 months now
Yeah I've just been reading reviews, quite mixed like any other but more positive than negative. Been with virgin for years and not had any issues since using my own router and theirs as a modem only so want to make sure I'm getting the same service if not better
Strange, I signed up to the mailing service to get into touch once it was completed and the day it was up and running I got an email with a link to view the providers and get quotes
I signed up as well and I’ve heard nothing where are you based out of interest I’m literally in the town centre near church fields vets
Darton, they finished about 2 months ago, just had a look and doesn't look like town centre has been done yet?
came down my road over 2 years ago posted a letter through door explaining what they were doing and to sign up for new letter. dug a trench the entire street and forked off to each property going down
As I’ve said before been on Virgin a few years now.They got in touch with me about 8mths ago and would I be ready for an upgrade.I asked what to and they said,a better router,a smaller one upstairs,the handset is upgraded you just ask it what to do,I just had the basic contract no sport,no films they have given me the whole bag of mashings upped the speed I was paying £75 a month then new contract £45 for 18mths then ring again and renegotiate well pleased with it all.
A few comments about the town centre, Huddersfield Rd, Old Mill Lane was constantly being dug up traffic lights in the last 12 Months but can’t recall them going past the college or Court House Car park? Perhaps they’ll do that now Old Mill Lane has been resurfaced! Someone will probably a water main burst.
Same here in Gawber. Cables all laid in 2020 during Covid, and still not live. Done a few more streets near me recently - joining bits up mainly, but still get the same ‘not ready’ on their website.