Ya right, I often get a bit down with the goings on but only because I care about our club. Ive been a happy Clapper and a Doom and Gloom merchant according to some on here but Ive always tried to be respectful of the opinions of others and have openly called out name calling and mud slinging but it has now become common place. I also thought about taking a break as I have little in the line of motivational speeches these days. Sorry to see you drop out and like others im sure yll be back. till then.... Once a Red always a Red
Sorry to see you go , we are all Barnsley fans at end of the day , the happy clappers and the board out brigade . No reason to fall out as at end of day we all want club to do well
We are all up and down at times. Supporting Barnsley from 1975 onwards has always been a rollercoaster. This forum goes beyond football though & I think that is a good thing. There is music, dogs, jokes, politics, etc... My view largely is that unless a post is offensive, but opposite to my view I ignore it. I had a bad time in lock down as my whole business I've worked hard at for the last 30 years was in jeopardy & was having serious mental health issues as a result. I only got support from people on here. I've tried to do the same to others who have the same issues. I'm no better or worse than anyone else. I post a right load of crap at times. That will no doubt continue.
You're one of the posters whose posts I usually enjoy reading, although sometimes I miss the point because my mobile internet conn
I guess I may have been one of those negative posters this past week. I’m sorry if that made anybody want to leave the board. It seemed like a bad week last week and I suppose we should take the “if you can’t say owt positive then don’t say owt at all” line, but if you can’t vent on a site like this and express disappointment then where can you do it?