When we getting some down at Oakwell https://www.theguardian.com/food/20...oop-legendary-pay-22-pounds-for-loaf-of-bread Ridiculous amount for bread, but it will sell more now to see if it's worth it. A bit like when critics pan a movie, instead of listening to the so called experts, more people than expected up watching to see if it's as bad as they say.
I'm more than happy to be ridiculed for paying £4 for my sourdough - it's a wonderful thing, made 20 metres down the road by people that I know really care about their craft, and if I've got a nice bit of cheese or want some toast and butter then there's nothing that can beat it! You've got to have a normal loaf available as well though. For bacon sandwiches, peanut butter on toast or baked beans (little sausages optional) then it shines. I will always maintain that nobody has ever enjoyed a sourdough bacon sandwich more than one made with thick sliced white.
It’s only like that overpriced prime energy drink crap that’s turning our kids bat **** crazy! People will pay to try and be like a celeb. Bonkers.
This summer my pocket was hit by the Prime phenomenon. Fortunately, as my son has never lived in the UK, he did fall for the Dandelion and Burdock being the new ‘in thing’ that I made up. 1.5 litres for just over a quid!
£20 for a loaf of bread? According to the gospel of Lee Anderson, deputy chair of the Tories, paragon of virtue and reason and generally thoroughly nice bloke that's as much as 73 regular meals!!