Ignore me mate just a bit of soft. Although its an open forum, because you keep repeating your point it doesn't make it anymore valid.
I feel the 'negativity' before the game was 100% warranted with the summer window and recent performances
Try having a bit of patience with the team, the manager, the whole club even. Some seasons are poor, some are brilliant. If you want consistently good you’re following the wrong team. Or maybe you don’t actually watch them?
Oh one of those threads where the sanctimonious call others negative. Of course next time we lose or fail to score the witty rejoiners of We NEeD a STRiker will waft back across the board. let’s be honest there’s much to be negative but there’s also some positives. Instead of the constant ‘banter’ maybe we respect each others differences of opinion.
I think this unfair. When I like what the club is doing I praise them When I have genuine concerns about how the club is being run I will vent my frustrations Like most fans I would have thought?