Great win today but in response to a vocal minority of posters who have been getting on the back of the board for not buying proven players or comparing us to other clubs: Milwall, Preston, Swansea etc This is the reality of the championship I get we can box smarter and buck the trend but it will always be difficult for us to maintain championship status without having owners who are willing to bankroll us. Any teams who are doing well with lower budgets (Luton, Coventry) are the exceptions. We nearly were. This isn’t intended as being negative but just in my opinion some realism for some posters on here. We are being subsidised anyway. Just not to the extent that others are.
Bristol City. Fck me. I know that Steve Lansdowne is minted, but even he is going to struggle to sustain those losses long-term. Next basket case on the horizon. Millwall also look very far from being sustainable.
I was searching for something like this myself. Virtually all the clubs one poster quoted as outperforming us are doing so because they're spending money that they haven't got hand over fist. I wish these people would just come out and admit that they are happy for us to go 30 or 40 million quid into debt just to be able to tread water in the Championship. If that's what they want then, fine. I don't. Wigan came within a whisker of going up in smoke over the summer. Other clubs have gone to the wall. I get that the task is near impossible. It's like pushing water uphill and it's bl***dy frustrating for all supporters.
It's the governing body that needs to be held to account for letting this happen, but they are pound blind ££££. EFL are a disgrace same as the FA and Premiership, they don't care about anything but ensuring they make money themselves. Pounds over points every time with them.
It's all about good recruitment.. The problem I have is we're still bottom of the food chain.. less risk maybe, I didn't know. We get em young and raw. Turn some of em into something half decent. Then such as Luton Coventry Preston come in.. and do well off our hard work (go from strength to strength in the championship) while we go back to square one. Is it too much to ask for us to go to the next level in said food chain? It can be done.. by a will and good management ED .. this is not a personal attack on you.. we all see things a bit different.. but while some are happy with the.. just be happy to have club, corner shop attitude, some of us are not. Some of us want us to strive to get better.. it can be done.. because we've done it before
Because other clubs are run badly doesn’t make the people who are running our club badly any less culpable.
So without bankrolling owners we are doomed to failure? (Board stated aim: Achieve stability in the Championship.)
If you look world wide.. football clubs are not run like that. Don't ask me why but they're not. To complete we cannot swim one way while everyone in the river swims the other. No one's on about blank cheques. But stop being so obsessed with making money. That idea was only out into peoples heads so PC didn't have to keep putting his hand in his pocket.
Your right but the 'false' money swilling round the game affects everything. Take Nombe the lads had one good season at Exeter in league 1 and they are wanting and probably will get around 1m now he might be worth that only time will tell but that just sums it up. Not sure where it ends because as close as it's come not one of these clubs have gone to the wall but surly it will happen this just unsustainable. I've said in previous post with the parachute money and individuals willing to lose millions we have slipped down the food chain and we are a bottom half champs and top half league 1 club but not at risk of going out of business that will do for me.
I still say we have too much of a scattergun approach to recruitment. We take too many punts on players from lower down, meaning we end up with too big and unbalanced a squad, as well as blocking the development of our own youngsters. The right back from Woking whose name escapes me is a perfect example. We already had 3 right backs.
I think it’s the notion that we can’t compete financially in League One that’s the issue for me. Apparently we have a mid-table budget, and even that has to be subsidised.
A think at times we’re quantity over quality which to some extent I see why they do that, but then you have a scenario where we have probably 3 strikers who won’t get loads of game time for us that collectively are on more than what Norwood wanted who for me would’ve been great this year for us
Good point, but would we rather see 12/18 months of a young raw talent being polished up or some old fart chasing his last pay packet……..we seem to be stick between a rock and a hard place!
Not sure how accurate those figures are and what that include as they only have a couple of players on ‘non standard’ Championship wages. I know he’s spent over £110 million into the ‘club’ but a large proportion of that was developing the grounds surrounding area. Just wonder if some of that is included.
We’ve had this argument times over, for me it’s not the punts on inexperienced players it’s the reluctance to get in 3 or 4 experienced players to help them transition and go forward.