That was definitely the time to push on/consolidate. Our reputation was as high as it's ever been, should have had a top coach in and some real championship quality players in. Instead delusion and incompetence took over, thinking we could just pluck managers and players out of obscurity and sell for massive profit! At least we learnt out lesson and it was all Conway's fault....... Wait a minute
I suppose in their defence it was coming off the back of the pandemic and that is likely to have hit the accounts?
Khaled was employed by Conway & co. Naareev came to the club with Conway & co. Are we shocked the same strategy and mistakes are repeating themselves?
Nope not in the slightest Khaled even openly talks about the same strategy yet it is just brushed over as if it's not an issue. We are doing the exact same albeit targeting players at alot lower level
I don’t think you can equate the strategy of the last two years with Conways “best ever” transfer window or the one when Ismael left. Dane Murphy was the best CEO we’ve had recently because he understood football as a game to be won, not just a business to be managed. Conway brought him in though.
Isn’t Rovrums transfer record around £650k? I see they claim to have just broken it, but undisclosed, so it could have been far less that the £1m touted when we were linked with said player. I had to laugh at some of the Facebook comments regarding the loan signing of McAtee, along the lines of ‘Typical Barnsley, linked with 2 million pound strikers, then bring in a loanee’ I don’t think anyone from BFC promised to buy 2 strikers, and the ‘loanee’ scored.
Its very similar to that summer 2019. Filling the squad with players who might come good in 18 months to 2 years... this time with young non-league players instead of overseas (probably due to brexit) Lining up with 3 centre backs all under 23 who have never played in this division Going on about not relying on loans then starting the season with a very weak bench
All our best loans last season came in in January, didn’t they? We had Martin and the lad who got injured from Stoke in the summer window, didn’t we?
Hasnt the strategy been tweaked in this time also? Eg recruiting experienced players, recruiting players over 23, allowing , length of contract, pay structure, contract options. Its ever evolving as things work/dont work. Conways problem in the disastrous summer was that he didn’t follow the strategy. One mistake I see people constantly making though is getting the Chairman’s name wrong . It’s Neerav, by the way
To compound it the line we were fed was that the season had been a failure because our transfer business hadn't boomed as a result of making the Championship play-offs. The difference between our thinking as supporters and those who had chosen to invest in Barnsley FC as a financial venture. As supporters our definition of success is winning games, making the play-offs or, better still, getting promoted.
Hristov would be a £20m+ striker now, apparently.
I think the strategy has changed quite a bit. 1. Conway would not have turned down £4m for Lionel Messi never mind Liam Kitching 2. The previous board took out £750k, under the current approach there's been £6.6m put in along with another £3.5m touted at the last fans meeting 3. Norwood would never have been signed under the previous regime (admittedly he's been sold too..) 4. Players like Connell and Phillips have been tied down to long contracts Ultimately I still have no idea why Neerav et al have bought Barnsley football club but I do think their actions are now more aligned to on field success as opposed to the previous board. The biggest difference is that they are trying to do this under much tighter financial constraints. As has been said many times, Spectemur Agendo. Still over 10 hours of the window left...
Very interesting. I reckon at a glance that he was in the top 50 transfer fees for that season. Mind blowing.
I'd not considered inflation etc, let alone football inflation. The fee for Ward in today's money seems about right. Just shows how disappointing Hristov was for his cost.
Of the 3 players I can think of that we paid over a million for Mike Sheron was the best. Better off sticking with raiding FGRs.
But have these clubs, particularly Rotherham spent the amounts we have spent over the last few years. If some posters on here are correct, we paid a million for Kane and Around that for Benson
16 players over £1m according to this.