If he went from Coventry city to Manchester United next year would you say that is better ? course you would !.This is the same scenario,Norwood hasn't done owt wrong.
Maybe the clappers just don't like a player saying what a lot of fans are thinking about the way the club is run and pointing out the flaws in the master plan and then congratulating a former colleague whose gone to a more ambitious club. It's the same on here any divergence from the everything in the Barnsley FC world is wonderful mantra is jumped on by the usual suspects decent is not allowed.
I’m probably being a bit old school, but I honestly don’t see why this stuff needs putting on social media. Presumably they have each other’s phone numbers. Unless they have an agenda that is.
It’s normal in my sector. Teachers move around all the time and when someone posts about their new job on their social media, colleagues all reply saying congratulations to them, even more so if they’re moving on to a better paid role such as Head of Year or department. You don’t really get job promotions in football unless to first team squad, captain, manager or to a team in a higher league. Literally nobody would ever think anything of it.
You know what's weirder than people using social media to congratulate their mates on what is essentially a promotion? People using social media to moan that someone is using social media.
Coventry posted it, his team mate saw it and said well done. It’s not that deep. Why wouldn’t someone congratulate their mate/colleague on a job promotion when they leave their current role? It’d be more weird if none of his teammates had said anything, then people would say he must have been unpopular/disruptive and they were glad to get rid or something.
Nonsense Tweet. Footballers have a habit of trotting out the ‘in any other job’ line when it suits. I can give him many reasons why it’s not like ‘any other job’. I can also give him many examples of how footballers get away with things that people ‘in any other job’ would be sacked on the spot for. When Norwood left, the tweet he put out was intentionally trying to suggest the move wasn’t his doing, when it very obviously was.
Said it in the other thread, I’ve got no issues with what Herbie tweeted. He can say what he likes as long as he performs on the pitch. Just don’t feel like Norwood needed to get involved in this. I feel like he’s done it more for a reaction from our fans on Twitter, rather than to stick up to anyone.
But why would he want a reaction from our fans ? Most liked him and i never heard any booing him when playing.
Fair enough. But people did manage to communicate before social media. I don’t think I’m being a hypocrite by the way: my only postings on any forum are on here. I certainly don’t live my life on the likes of FB. If I have something nice to say to someone I use outdated methods such as speech
Really hope so!! Will be good to start concentrating on the football again. We all want the same thing.....for our new manager and players to move forward one step further than last year.
I agree, he was definitely a fan favourite but he loves to play the villain and stir things up. That’s what I think this is more to do with. He wants some attention.
Think the " clappers" are mainly supportive I think players fall out all the time, soon make up again!
hah styles arguing with anyone Is funny. Kane I think we need shut of. He thinks he’s better than he is.