On our way across Europe in July, I managed to leave my jacket, quite a nice one, in a hotel room in Dusseldorf. The owner put it to one side, but said he was short-staffed and it was going to be a bit tricky for him to send it on. I told him not to worry and that I'd pick it up on the way back. This morning he wrote to me and said that by way of apology for him not being able to send the jacket back, our room for tonight is free of charge. In such dark times I've really despaired over the state of humanity over the last couple of years. These kind deeds during our travels have really meant a lot. People doing little things, which have really made a massive difference to us. Marvin from the Hotel Loewe in Dusseldorf, you are a top, top man.
Brilliant those acts of human kindness. The wife once left a drawer full of underwear in a guest house in St Helier, Jersey. Got home and she received a text message from the owner saying he'd parcelled it up and sent it to our address. Must have cost a fair amount to do that especially as my missus had already written off.
Went to Crete recently 8 of us (Olga apartments/studios). Very nice clean Basic rooms. With balconies and pool to chill out on/in but the price reflected that. The hosts made it. Nothing was too much trouble and made arrangements for transport to the water parks free of charge. Took lad to the supermarket in his pick up for main provisions first day. Brought all the water back 12 packs of 6 x 2 litres. Got chatting to em loads. Let us (me n lad) use their home to watch the Barnsley v Port vale game. George and Stella you were stars.
Tbh baz that was a bonus lol. Never a 7 niller btw. Didn't reflect the game. I know how Vale fans must have felt having experienced the Tranmere 6-1 travesty.
Try experiencing that game sat in the middle of the Tranmere fans! Its a good job they were all in a good mood
I spoke to a few Vale fans after the game ,and told them not to be disheartened by that. 7 0 flattered us , we were like rabbits in headlights for 30 minutes. And look where Vale are now after 6 games. First opening game I've been to for years , I'm usually away in Europe. Took the grandson who was over from Spain ,he loved it.
My Missus did the same but she had to buy it back off Ebay. She said she didn't recognise the "perfume" on her pants though.
Not have a pop boys and girls but, here's a thought.. instead of waiting for human kindness from others.. flip the coin..be the kindness yourselfs..you start it, you do it Don't wait for or expect a thank you.. just do it for doing it's sake.. See what happens..