I do enjoy a good conspiracy theory though not that I believe them but can make you think outside the box abit
On a serious note, the only one I believe in is the JFK stuff. No way was Oswald the lone gunman. Aside from that, they're generally rhubarb.
Not particularly interesting, no. Any analysis by structural engineers or otherwise still dodges the fundamental question of why anyone would want to detonate three buildings shortly after two planes crashed into them. Were they owned by the landlord of the Crooked House? Governments (and "deep states") can barely build a ******* road given 10 years planning.
It's the fact that he wound up dead himself within two days that makes me think there was more to it. I'm not convinced that he didn't take the shot but I definitely think there's more to the story than we'll ever know.
Its not the job of engineers to do that....they are scientists who are presented with alleged circumstances that they then have to apply science to their findings....not one structursl engineer I spoke to said it was this or that but they did say what or wasnt....and that was based on their science physics and experience ...with a few experiments.
The CGI aeroplane was added to the fake footage given to the world's media to explain the thermite explosions.
Aww, poor Jay. I can understand that you don't like to have your naive,.comfortable view of reality challenged. I appreciate that It must leave you feeling so fragile and insecure. I'm sorry. I'll leave you to enjoy your blissful ignorance again now. Toodle pip
Good call. Everyone who has ever met me is left with the impression that I'm fragile and insecure. You've nailed my personality there mate.
Genuine question mate…why bother adding cgi planes, if bombs were planted why not just blame al Qaeda anyway? Surely with today’s technology folk can easily tell if something is cgi, they would easily be exposed has fake.
Thanks. Just to point out that irony isn't lost on me Jay.... I actually find it quite amusing being called primitive by a borderline obese, middle-aged man with a long-standing history of mental health issues. No wife, no girlfriend, no children, no notable life achievements, no legacy and nothing to feel proud about. I'd say comparatively I'm more than happy with my 'primitive' existence, mate.
Nailed me again, particularly the obese bit. Getting to see your real character now aren't we. It's not pretty is it?
I didn't come up with the ideas... I simply report on them. Perhaps you should ask Donald Rumsfeld or George W Bush that. You would think that people would easily see that a largely hollow plane couldn't penetrate the reinforced steel and concrete that made up the external structure of the World Trade Centre buildings and that even if it could it wouldn't cause the building to freefall collapse uniformly into its own footprint.... But plenty of seemingly intelligent people such as yourself accepted the idea without any question and even fervently defend the official version of events 20+ years later Perhaps the people behind 9/11 believed that the gullible masses would ask fewer questions about hijacked planes bringing down the buildings as opposed to carefully planted explosives. Perhaps they were right. People didn't even question the news reporting that the third WTC7 building had collapsed when it was clearly visible behind the reporter as she was speaking and didn't show any signs of collapsing until half an hour later. People largely believe the reality of the world that is presented to them... Even when that reality is clearly ******** to anyone with the gumption to question the facts. If you haven't already done so... Have a watch of the second video in that crazy Matt le Tissier thread. Have a go at debunking the structural engineers and demolition experts who explain that under the laws of Physics the buildings couldn't possibly collapse as they did under the official narrative. Listen to the eyewitness testimonies of people who were there reporting secondary explosions that sounded like rapid gunshots. Convince yourself that these people are lying conspiracy theorists if it makes you feel more comfortable about things. Question how there came to be so much molten steel when plane fuel can't get close to achieving the heat required to melt steel. Question how a third building over 100m away from either tower that wasn't hit by anything also neatly collapsed in on itself. Or... Don't bother and carry on believing what you currently believe because that is certainly the easier path to travel.