So, chaps were groomed into killing themselves by those bigger boys who were too yitten to do it themselves in the name of a sky wizard. Does this sum it up?
You do realise that after the first explosion there would have been literally hundreds/thousands of people looking at the towers in real time with their own eyes at the point in time that the second plane hit. How would that have worked? Also have you seen The Mummy 2? This was the state of CGI in 2001:
Plus all the people on these planes…plus all the family’s who are aware of the people on the planes…there’s so many holes in his theory it’s scary
Oh and that molten steel/ jet fuel thing is the stupidest myth I've ever heard. You literally watch some random on youtube and take it as gospel. Jet fuel burns (c. 2000c) at several hundred degrees higher than the melting point of steel (c.1500c). Do yOuR OwN ReSeArCH!
Fun fact. Things don't need to melt into a liquid in order to become weak. Humans don't melt at 30 degrees but I was working at about half my usual strength yesterday
I just did, here's what Nist stated. reported maximum upper layer,, Figure 6-36).
This is what the engineers think, to question the official narrative. I'm not getting involved in the blowing it up or anything like....that's for others. I just like the hard did they come down so quick with 80 odd floors worth if resistance?
I had misgivings as to how the Towers collapsed in the manner they did. So looked at reasoned rather than conspiracy theories. Here's another side of the argument instead of conspiracies.