Or will probably be non-disclosures, (undisclosed in Barnsley speak) They'll probably say we've made it all up over the last 70 or so years and that we are alone in this universe. It's on their Youtube channel at 3. I'll give it a watch. It's all swamp gas, you know.
This might be the rumoured big announcement. I was told by a colleague at work last week that we were about to be informed we aren't alone within the next two years. I laughed it off as hot air at the time.
Just been watching it, basically so far it’s a case of move along nothing to see here and we’ll let you know owt as soon as we know owt
NASA want to be open about it but in the end if the US government tell them to keep quiet then they'll have to obey. I failed to understand why they want to research UAP but won't associate them with being extraterrestrial. If they are UAP where else are they going to come from? And all I could think of whilst listening to their commitment to transparency was Khaled. Maybe this was his big news, him being transparent and all that !
Hey ....if there's a good experienced centre back from one of the planets I would definitely have him/ her err it in our team. Subject to getting a work permit of course.
We'll just end up getting cheap young aliens from from the Outer Triangulum of Andromeda, no proper experience.
Regardless of whether anyone has any proof of aliens, there's absolutely no way any government would come out and say it unless they presented an existential threat to the human race requiring international cooperation. There'd be an insane opportunity for developing an advantage from studying anything you recover and absolutely no reason to advertise to other countries that you've discovered alien technology.
All this alien ballocks just does my head in. IF there really were aliens with the technology to travel interstellar distances then we would ALL know about it, we'd have picked up their radio transmissions years ago and we would have been able to pinpoint where they were coming from. Also they would have been here visibly and taken what they needed from Earth and maybe wiped us out in the process. Mind you "Paul" was a great film.
Maybe the interstellar transport system is as bad as our transport system and you can only get an interstellar bus to our galaxy every thousand years . It’s believed the alleged alien in Peru missed the bus back
More likely they are so far ahead of us we wouldn’t have any clue. Radio Comms would be so old fashioned to a race of interstellar travellers it would be like papyrus to us
Silly We have. And they would have wiped us out. But the beautiful voice of Karen Carpenter told em. "We are your friends" All Hit Radio! Alright, you're listening to All Hit Radio And it's 53 degrees at 30 minutes past the hour And right now on our all request line I've got Mike Ledgerwood on the phone Hey, babe, what would you like to hear? We've been observing your Earth Hey babe, I'm sorry, I can't hear you too well You're gonna have to speak a little closer into the phone Okay, babe? What would you like to hear again? We are observing your Earth Hey Mike, I'm sorry babe, but that's not on our playlist And by the way, you sound great over the phone Anyway, if you'd give us your request We'll be glad to play it for ya, babe So let's hear it! We are observing your Earth Uh, listen Mike, I'm sorry babe but we can't- And we'd like to make I'm sorry Mike, we there's- A contact (uh) With you, baby In your mind you have capacities, you know To telepath messages through the vast unknown Please close your eyes and concentrate With every thought you think Upon the recitation we're about to sing Calling occupants of interplanetary craft Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft Calling occupants of interplanetary craft Calling occupants of interplanetary craft Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft You've been observing our Earth And we'd like to make A contact with you We are your friends Calling occupants of interplanetary craft Calling occupants of interplanetary, ultra emissaries We've been observing your Earth And one night we'll make A contact with you We are your friends Calling occupants of interplanetary, quite extraordinary craft And please come in peace, we beseech you Only our love we will teach them Our Earth may never survive So do come, we beg you Please, interstellar policeman Oh won't you give us a sign Give us a sign That we've reached you Oh do With your mind you have ability to form And transmit thought energy far beyond the norm You close your eyes, you concentrate Together, that's the way To send the message we declare World Contact Day Calling occupants of interplanetary craft Calling occupants of interplanetary craft Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft Ah ah ah ahh Ah ah ah ahh Ah ah ah ahh Calling occupants Calling occupants Calling occupants of interplanetary, anti-adversary craft