That's not really applicable, that's an example of a common evolutionary path that is already starting from a single phylum on a single planet under consistent conditions. It doesn't support the idea that intelligent life would evolve down a common path regardless of environmental conditions. The "aliens" we've seen look humanoid because they were fabricated by humans.
Saw the story and have a very healthy scepticism. Space is vast and there are trillions of galaxies and billons of trillions of stars so its almost certain there is other life in the universe - but its a very very long way away. For any aliens to visit Earth they would need to find a way round the problem that travelling faster than light isnt possible and also need to know where to look I just think the chances of being visited by aliens is really really small. The chances someone advanced enough to find us and travel here would then fall into a mine and die arent very high. Ive no idea what the bodies are but I cant believe they come from another world
I agree they’re not aliens, most likely a hoax or a genetic anomaly subspecies of human that died out.
I agree that there is almost certainly life out there in the universe but the chances of meeting them is as near to zero as to be unmeasurable.
I reckon evidence of life on Mars will be confirmed within the next decade or so. We are definitely not alone in the universe, it would be naive to think we are.