Once again the combined wisdom/advice of the BBS is sought please! We have a fairly cheap Logik fridge freezer. It works fine in most respects, keeping stuff frozen and fridge stuff fresh. It is a self-defrost model. On a 1-6 scale we run it most of the time on 3, as advised in the manual. Now the problem! Every now and then the thing throws a moody, and the evaporation dish round the back overflows, leaking on to the kitchen floor. After investigating solutions on YouTube, I have angled the machine about a quarter of an inch front to back as that clip suggested you need to this so that the coolant flows round the machine properly. The only thing I've got left to play with is the setting, but which way should it go? If I turn it down stuff might not freeze properly and if I turn it up it might get icebound? And advice, good people?
Nothing to do with the running problem but make sure if you touch that water to wash your hands properly. I had the misfortune of touching some last year and it's full of the norovirus.
Put some ice cubes down your good lady's top and then say 'There's that chest freezer I always promised you'. Sorry, but that was an old Ken Dodd joke and it needed using. On a serious note, if the thing is dodgy can you just get/afford a new one? P.s. Actually very good advice from SD.
Thought it would be more likely to be something bacterial like e.coli or salmonella than norovirus, but yeah you best wash!
Thanks for the advice guys (some of it er, interesting!). Following Mr Sparky, I'm going to try a thermometer - then I can see what temps the dial settings are actually producing. We could get another Mr KCP, but it functions well in every other respect. Lady Kaht was not too sure about your other suggestion!
Have you checked that the drain’s not getting blocked with ice or bits of crap? Leave it unplugged for a bit and give it a clean. Check it for damage/cracks too.