Roberts Sheperd Lopata McCart Williams Russell Phillips Kane Cadden Cole Mcatee Subs Killip De Geviney Watters Styles Marsh Cosgrove Dodgson Good to have a headache now for Collins cause with squad i chose likes of Cotter McCarthy Benson O'Keefe miss out
Absolutely no way can Cotter not even be on the bench. He must be our leading source of assists. Personally I'd be starting him, but what an absolute nightmare for defenders if he's brought on later in the game.
Roberts Williams Lopata Shepherd O’Keeffe Cadden Phillips Russell Kane Cole McAtee Subs: Killip Cotter McCart Styles Benson Cosgrove Marsh
4132 Roberts OKeefe Williams Lopata Cadden Russell Kane Mcatee Styles Cosgrove Cole Subs Killip Cotter Dodgson Shepherd Phillips Watters Marsh Miss out Benson McCart McCarthy Connell not available Cundy not available Jalo De Givegny
You've got Shepard whos a left footer on the right side to accommodate McCart won't happen unless where desperate, and we're not, quite the reverse actually. Will be one or the other on the left.. Tell you what it's going to be hard to pick the bench never mind the starters.. I would bet the team that starts tomorrow won't be the same as the one that starts against Pompey in Tuesday
Now the transfer windows shut I would be tempted to go with Styles to see if he's the player we think he can be now there's no distractions. I would also go with Cosgrove. We wanted a striker, we've signed a striker, play the striker
Cotter going forward yes...going backwards hmmm. If ya start him he'll need serious cover behind so could change the formation to start. I could see Cosgrove getting a start, agree with only1kp, we wanted a target man so play him.
Shepherd is a left footer isn't he? I wouldn't be playing him on the right of a back 3 given how inexperienced he is. Madness not to include Cotter, given his form. Wouldn't change too many of a winning side: Roberts Williams Lopata Shepherd Cotter Cadden Russell Kane Phillips Cole McAtee Killip Cosgrove O'Keeffe McCart De Gevigney Watters Styles
Cotter has become that effective going forward that for me, it's impossible to drop him. If we're defending a lead in the second half, by all means bring him off for De Gevigney and put Williams there, but as mentioned above, he's probably our biggest attacking threat at the minute.
Whatever the team is I would hope that Collins will be playing a settled starting 11 in 2-3 games as he really should be deciding what his best team is by then. The manager still needs some slack cutting for next 2 weeks though in my opinion.
Edward Scissorhands. Billy Glenn Norris, Beadle Bamford, Cheshire Cat, Ben Frankenstein, Bob The Goon, Bone jangles, Oogie Boogie. The Inventor, Headless Horseman.
Looking good this squad isn’t it? Oh wait…..there’s too much lower league/non-league rubbish according to some on here.
If it was up to me I'd like to see us go for: Roberts Cotter Williams Lopata Shepherd Cadden Kane Russell McAtee Cole Cosgrove