Now this is a massive long shot but you’ll try owt for your kids won’t you……. We went to the club shop yesterday in the faint hope of getting Alfie a new home kit. Didn’t happen, obviously. While in the shop he was quite taken by a black training shirt in his size, so I got it him so at least he came away with summat. Anyway, he changed out of the shirt he was wearing (last seasons charcoal away shirt) as he wanted to wear this new top. He put this shirt in the bag he had for the new top, and……… we’ve left it under our seat after the game!! Not realising until we were halfway home. He loved that top so he’s gutted. I wondered if anyone on here has a 13-14 years version of that shirt going spare, maybe an unused gift or one that’s been grown out of? More than happy to collect, pay for postage, donate to charity, whatever is required! I do understand I’m almost certainly peeing into the wind but shy bairns get nowt and all that. Thanks in advance. Yooooo reds.
Contact the club. I'd have thought they would keep things like that if they are found after the game.
You ought to go to the club tomorrow if possible ( if not, ring em) It may have been handed in. Or it may still be where you left it. If the terracing. Hasn't been swept yet.
Every chance it will be there similar happened to me a few years ago went through sunday there was a gate open due to groundsman working and the bag was still there.
Contact the club mate, I've left shopping under my seat more than once and always managed to retrieve it.
[mention]S74 Red [/mention] email and I’m sure someone will have a look for you. Its probably still there.
No reason why it won't be waiting for you to pick up once you ring up, unless we have a thief in our midst.
Thanks everyone for the replies. I did send the club an email. Got a one line reply last thing this afternoon saying no-one had handed anything in. I did mention our seat numbers and asked if they or I could have a look but that part of the e-mail wasn’t acknowledged. Probably too much effort. Not to worry.
I'd X , if that's what it'd called now, JAQ, it's about time her or Neerav started doing something about the Customer Service at the club. It's non existent. It's not just bad, it's as if we are actively holding the customer in contempt.