Read a comment in another thread about duff been our best gaffer since Wilson took us to the premier league. While I like duff I disagree as he achieved nothing with a good squad. But if you could have one head coach back since wilsons 1st spell who would it be? Mark Robins for me.
Val for me as he's by far got the best record. Nobody else have got us anywhere near as close as he did to getting us back to the top flight.
Duff achieved nothing! Stendel took us back to the Championship in his first season. Although we stayed up under Struber, that was only because of Wigan's points deduction, so it has to be Big Val for me.... so close to a return to the Prem.
Valerien Ismael for me. His tactics and man management were second to none. He got the players to run through walls for him. Plus his record was exemplary, which almost got us promoted back to the PL.
It’s hard to say, the biggest problem is every time a manager does well they’re headhunted. Half of the time you don’t know if they’re that good or if it was more a case of right place right time with them only been here a short space of time. For that reason I think I’d also go Robins. It might not be the prettiest football but he’s the most proven over the long term.
The manager who’s given me the best memories since Wilson are 1) Hecky 2) Stendel 3) Bassett in terms of enjoying watching Barnsley play football. Difficult to judge Val as it was all on tv. Also an honourable mention for Keith Hill- probably trigger a few people, but that team with Vaz Tei and drinkwater and Butterfield was brilliant to watch, until he reverted to buying cloggers from his stable yard football agent- nothing dodgy there, oh no.