Was telling the kids when I was a young un, mid to late 70s the binmen came down your path into the back garden and picked up your metal bin took it to the lorry, emptied it, there faces were a picture and initially thought I was winding them up
Ex Bin-Man here. Did it for about 5 years in the late 2010s. Any questions I'm happy to answer - starting with @portsmouth tyke above. Back in them days there were 5 lads on a round - each doing about 400 bins. Now they're 3 - and they do about 1200. They used to send 2 lads to "roll out" (get the bins from round the back), then 2 lads would "roll in" (taking them back). The Roll Outs would then go home after they'd finished - then swap the following week. After they'd done Monday's work they'd do Tuesdays. Then Tuesday into Wednesday. Come Friday morning, they'd just click in and go straight to the boozer. Simpler times.
I always remember the old binmen when I was a kid. They were a much bigger bunch. Faces tanned in grime like they'd been down the pit. Now they're clean, young lads with high vis vests on.
I loved watching for the bin lorry and watching them come and get our bins as a kid. Simple pleasures!
I am usually the first to put the bin out the night before. You usually see people unsure of what bin day it is so they follow me. I'm a binfluencer.
When the lorry park at Pontefract was busier. Travellers used to nick our wheelie bins to syphon diesel.
It doesn't. Obviously just a light-hearted post. They do look absolutely gash though. Very much like the use of Comic Sans font. Zero justification for it in 2023.
Guy two doors down has done a brilliant job of painting his house number on his bins - in ROMAN NUMERALS. On a serious note I think our binmen do an excellent job - efficient and quiet.
It'll have gone in the truck. When it bangs they can end up in there - they're flimsy as sin. If you report it to the council then they'll replace it - but this won't exactly be fast. Plus, you'll probably be on hold in the queue for 3 hours
I half misread this and thought you were going to start telling us about a secret society of free bin lids that are one day going to take over the world...