What would people think about the following idea? As we all know how hard times have been recently and still are with everything happening around the world and more so the extortionate inflation rates.. We often see football clubs struggling to stay afloat (bigger teams also). But.. the non-league teams must be really struggling and I’m guessing quite a few are only just ticking over. Now I know some people already go and watch a local non-league team when tarn ant got a game, but what I was thinking, to try help a few local non-league teams a little bit more is if we could get a little schedule together for the weekends Tarn are not playing and trying to get as many people to all go to the same game to try boost the gates for the scheduled team? So let’s say the next weekend that Barnsley hasn’t got a game we get as many folk to go watch Athersley Rec, then the next free weekend worsbrough Bridge and so on… I know not everyone can make these days and will make plans but by putting something out there we may be able to get between 50-100 extra going to these games which would help out the team’s finances that little bit more. Hope people see this as a positive idea to help our local community..
That's a great idea mate. Just think you'd have to publicise it a while in advance, as people tend to make plans like you say.
Yes mate I know what ya saying. I’m a bit slow off the mark at coming up with ideas and like now thought of it that little bit later than ideal.
Good idea that. Maybe we might just get one or two extra into Oakwell in return as a side effect. Good to support the non league sides though.
Great idea and applaud the intent. Personally struggle finding time to fit the Barnsley matches in, so I'm always gonna tow to get behind summat like this. Fair play to ya though, good luck with it.
14th Oct will be next one. International break and no way the scheduled game v Bolton will escape the 3 player rule.....
Its a lovely community-based idea but I wonder if people can be arsed to go. If you publicised it and encouraged folk by facebook / social media and suggested some other benefits for folk like cheaper beer, free tickets or marginal prices for ST holders, free draw for a hamper etc it might gain a bit of traction. Would need some investment from yourself I think. Great idea though.