Standard response to that would be “Ah but they create the atmosphere, don’t they?” Well, from like-minded people I mean. Decent people can do nothing but shake their heads and put up with it, for fear of getting involved in trouble. Or just not go…
Broken society. There’s no answer to it but it would be nice if banning orders were rigorously enforced. I won’t hold my breath.
We not the only fan bass any game I watch on sky wether it be premier league or further down leagues fans seam to be standing . Only way to cure it would be seats near front safe standing further back.
and thats why i pick and choose my away games now, i was at the opposite side to the idiots, we had people stood up round us but atmosphere was ok not offensive and stewards were great
It is a good idea to select away games with standing areas as well as seats. Of course you shouldn't have to.
Tickets for Cambridge just arrived, unreserved seating. Always good for if you discover you're near a bunch of knobheads.