Too true mate. I'm on a reading binge at mo. Just read 'Origin' ( Dan Brown) in 3 days. But tbh every one of Dan Browns are practically impossible to put down.
Never heard of it, what is it lol. I do remember though when the Dave channel was originally called Uk Gold 2!.
Brassic’s 5 series are available on Sky Max and Showcase as from next Thursday. Brassic1 is available on Prime video now
This had totally passed me by until about a week ago when my sister was saying my Neice had got an extra role on it but she'd turned it down because of it being unstuitable for her age (10). She couldn't believe I'd never heard of it. After that and reading this thread I've binged the first series. Brilliant!
I stopped watching it halfway through the last series. It's funny and I enjoyed it but I thought it was heading the same way as Shameless.
It's so difficult to pick out a favourite series/episode as they are all top drawer. Episode 2 though. Not started on rest. Big fan of lee macs. Tis why I went to 'would I lie to you.' At 9pm, trying to not binge all 8 episodes in a couple of nights. Summat to look forward to lol.
Never heard of it, just watched a few clips, how have I never heard of it! Gonna download the lot for the holiday flight.
Great show. Every character is brill, especially Tommo. Michelle Keegan’s plastic surgery is a bit of a distraction in the new series though. I was a bit disturbed the other day when I worked out that Jim in series 1 is only 5 years older than I am now. Then again, I watched The Exorcist with the boy the other day and he found it most hilarious that I am 10 years older than Max Von Sydow was when the film came out.