**** the tories and **** everyone that let them get into power. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-66919416
Tell you what, lets just stop anybody who's being persecuted. So any Jews, Muslims, gays, women, war refugees etc can just f.uck off back to where they came from and get raped, locked up or blown up. That'll show em and all these leftie snowflakes. They come over here.......
I've heard she's going to work on a new version of "Mein Kampf", when she's running for new Tory leader after the election. Going to tone it down a bit for what is left of the Tory faithful. Her whole stance is mind boggling. As much as this country has been fed rubbish about Brexit & migrants, even the dimmest minds in the country can see that the Tory party havee fleeced the country dry & now only have right wing nationalism as any sort of vote winner.
she is just evil there is no other word to describe her. and she talks rubbish as well but it appeals to the right wing racists who seem to be the ones you need to convince if you are planning a leadership bid
Love Ed Davey's speech today. Apologising to the clown community for comparing the conservatives to clowns and said "I used the wrong c word"
What an absolute excuse for a human being she is. There are really no words to describe the depths her party will sink to in order to try and keep in power for another five years of self serving policy and cronyism. They really are the pits of humanity. This incarnation is markedly worse than anything that went before, Thatcher’s governments included. She was a horrid old hag but at least she was honest about it.
Lizard in human skin, I tell you. Oh hang on, that's the Royal family or summat, where's David Icke when you need him?
She's lifting the ladder up she's a child of immigrants and now she using the misfortune of others to try and build impetus to be the next Tory leader when Richy boy gets dumped. Absolute bitch of the highest order.
I hope she gets a wick on her finger, dyes her hair the wrong colour so she looks silly and then burns herself when she's getting something out of the oven. Then I hope she resigns from politics and is then sent 'back to where she came from' along with the rest of her family for being an illegal immigrant.