It will be "just for the bantz" no doubt. Some people have an empty space where their brain should be and another one where their soul should be. I've no hope whatsoever that they'll be caught but I'd love it if they are.
I fear this is something which will attract copy cats in. Especially considering its all over the news. Extremely saddening and disappointing
Probably the same kind of morons who get delight from driving motorbikes over golf greens and football pitches
The only thing I can think they should do is erect a statue of the tree in its place. An iron replica. That way you will still have the silhouette during a lovely sunset.
In the end, the criminals hold the power. No matter how big or small, good things get spoiled or just destroyed. And we just end up with rules over freedom to enjoy ourselves
The old Willow Park School Caretakers house in Pontefract was being vandalised. My Dad phoned the police. They asked him if it was his property and if he felt under any threat and politely told him to mind his own business.
Utterly senseless vandalism. It’s not something that can be defaced with moronic graffiti so they went for an upgrade. I’d erect stocks in its place and put the cretins in them for a week, then take them to court for the heaviest punishment possible
Hard to know where to even start with something like this. It would have taken some serious gear to do what they’ve done. You can see from the cuts, they knew what they were doing. Just utterly baffling and upsetting in equal measure.
See earlier thread title, Dark days in British Life. At a guess the local " Landed Gentry " will have some knowledge of the culprits. Probably some landowner with a bee in his/her bonnet over rights of way etc. Same type who poison Hen Harriers and the like. Pure speculation of course.
Exactly my thought. Whoever did it wasn’t just a reckless vandal - it’s a clean professional job, they obviously knew how to cleanly fell a big tree - so I think it may be someone with a grudge. A former park ranger with an axe to grind maybe - or in this case chainsaw.