Wootton now sacked by Daily Heil. Some achievement. Where next for him I wonder? Breitbart or The Daily Wire, perhaps?
It takes a special kind of stupid to get yourself suspended over something that you were not involved with in the slightest...
Them elites seem to have infiltrated the bastion of free speech that is GB News it seems. Bloody mainstream media taking over not mainstream media.
The vile woke lefty snowflake Mail and GB News cancelling Lozza, Sideshow God and Wootton is deeply concerning for those of us who endorse the freedom to spout hate speech disguised as "balance" whilst remaining free from consequence. Lol.
Dickheads learning that freedom of speech does not mean freedom from the consequences of what you say. You love to see it.
FAFO as the youngs might say. First they did the F8ck Around, now they are doing the Finding Out... And why can I only say that in a really bad Italian accent?
https://www.theguardian.com/media/2...in-robinson-its-third-presenter-in-three-days Eamonn Holmes will be the only one left available to present at this rate.