Always rumours knocking about town of Kitching and his brother being wrong uns, always starting trouble in the area. Hopefully this baggage doesn't take him off course in his football career, but that family is bad news.
Hmmm. Seeing as some of the things people are saying Liam Kitching has been involved in are illegal in this country, and Liam Kitching has neither a criminal record nor any criminal cases hanging over him, I'd say it's exactly that. I'm not saying that he's categorically not done any of these things as I genuinely have no idea either way, but people should be careful what they write on a public forum.
No I’m only kidding with you. I think half of Barnsley’s heard about the Kitching’s been involved in some kind of bother over the last couple of years. I heard about him scrapping in town but didn’t know it was with another player (unless that’s another incident!).
Might be wrong but didn’t a bar release some CCTV footage of both of them causing trouble a few months ago??
Someone said kitching didn't want to leave Barnsley. (Not sure why, when he supposedly x5 his wages) If any of the rumours are true. A move away was probably the best thing for him. New start, away from all this supposed trouble,