Another solution is next season, keep our money in our pockets. All come over to my place. Take a trip to Paris, pay a tenner and watch in comfort. We won't, of course, because we're fans. I wish the Club cared for us as much.
Agreed and just one more example of a total lack of common sense. Wouldn’t it be great if we had people running the club who had that quality in spades? As time goes by the idiots running the H&S industry get more and more out of touch with reality. It’s only a matter of time surely before we adopt a Far Eastern approach of strict one way systems. I mean, look how “dangerous” it is having people crisscrossing each other inside and outside the ground. A few Going up the stairs into the ESL as scores are going down those narrow stairways. Somebody could slip and cause an avalanche of people! I’m being silly of course but I bet it’s only a matter of time before some bright spark recommends one way only systems and the club meekly fall into line.
Yep, get that. But ultimately there's a deal to be struck somewhere. It's a pointless asset IMHO - habits are changing, the ability for us to fill that car park is gonna become more and more limited and ultimately it's something that could be turned into a positive by making use of it more than 25 times a year.
I agree with what you are saying. And who knows what plans are in place if the ground and assets get sorted with the board. There was talk in the Patrick Cryne era. Of development around the old school but I think the council vetoed it.
Yeah I've no idea. But you've enough space there to put 3/4 units on, small convenience shop, takeaway, coffee shop etc. They get a big car park 340 days a year, some inconvenience on a few Saturday afternoons and we/the owners get income either regularly if you retain ownership of it or a decent cash injection flogging a bit of prime retail land.
I've taken to driving up to the new houses at Oakwell Vale turning in there and dropping off Dad who cant walk so far these days, then going back and parking in the RDA and then back to the ground whilst he makes his way through the car park and to his seat. On Saturday I got about 2 car lengths away ere a then stopped almost exactly 2:30 - Grove St was coned off and some cars were trying to go up Oakwell Lane but the fact some were coming down and there are parked cars meant it was gridlocked. Nothing coming the other way so I was able to pass the stationary cars and turn right -By the time I had driven back to park and walked back onto Ponty Road opposite Beever court the traffic was backed up beyond the entrance. I walked back much faster than any cars as the traffic was barely moving - again a quick glance showed Oakwell lane was the primary cause. Of course having walked through the now closed car park to get out onto Grove St to access the West Stand turnstiles all the gates were closed except for one small pedestrian one which made it very difficult to get through as fans for the Ponty and East Stand were coming the other direction. That's just dumb I have no issue with keeping traffic back in the car park for 10 mins after the game when there is a surge of fans and all the cars want to move at the same time, but closing it 30 mins before kick off then opening it again at 3pm is just stupid , as is not opening it until after the away coaches have left via Beevor court! Interesting to contrast with Northampton a week ago. The away fans came out into a car park which was exiting normally - the Away coaches were all parked not in a car park but on the footpath/Cycle way on the road going past the ground which meant anyone wanting to walk past them had to walk in the ( still open ) road. Now that is dangerous - surely the sensible thing would be to park the coaches at the ground in the car park we all walked through
The issue with Oakwell Lane, and it seems to be getting worse, is that people are parking on both sides at the bottom end thus creating a single vehicle width lane in the middle. Any fool can see that this is a recipe for chaos because people still insist on using the Lane in both directions and it clearly cannot be done. When are the police or council going to address this match day problem? Probably not until a serious accident happens and then they’ll all be blaming each other. Obviously the idiots who try to use that road before or after the match are the main problem so it’s about time some road closing cones were placed top and bottom with police presence to enforce it at first. Im sure that this happens all over the country - even York City on our friendly visit to Bootham Crescent had streets blocked off around the ground. Too obvious innit!!
From May's SAG meeting "BFC will go away and review car park and vehicle issues and feedback to the SAG." That's bfc, barnsley football club. THEY were the ones instructed to review the carpark and feedback to the group. The group didn't review it and advise the club to make changes, the CLUB reviewed the parking arrangements.
Surely that can't be right? If you're slightly late you can't get in but if you're very late you can? If Grove Street is still cordoned off, you wouldn't be able to get in anyway.
IMO, from having to park near the ground at Oakwell on Saturday for the first time in years, I think the club probably have made the right call. Any decision will always cause issues, but this was probably the most accountable. I base this is on: 1) Traffic around Oakwell is horrendous before and after the games. Not all is football related. 2) The bigger the away following, the more things are compounded. 3) The underpass has to be closed off during these peak times - just too many folk around that area, including away fans going to train station. 4) The underpass being closed makes the traffic situation even worse. 5) The club need people in the stadium safely and in good time. Also the earlier they are down, the more they will spend. Closing the car park at 2:30 forces those who need to use it, to get there earlier. 6) Holding car park traffic back until the away fans have left also makes sense. It’s horrendous around the upper end of Ponte Road and the underpass - car park released too early adds to that. 7) Critical - while ever the away fans are present around the roads in the town, the Police have to remain - this costs the club money. Quicker the away fans go, the safer and cheaper it is. Simple. 8) We’re in the day and age that most well abled people should be able to walk to the ground after using taxis, trains or buses etc. Encouraging people to drive right into Oakwell goes against most Environmental policies. 9) No. 8 will be interesting when County away car park is demolished! Overall, for me, and many others, the easiest option is to walk to the ground from the town - leaving those who can’t, the option to park at the ground (elderly, disabled, very young etc). Every club has the same issues - not just us. If you’ve been to The Emirates or Etihad, you’ll know how painful it can be! Every solution will have its issues, but you have to act to enable planning and safety policies to be stuck to. Anyone who was also stuck in traffic today because of the Roadworks at the bottom of Redbrook hill, will also testify just how much traffic we have in the roads!
The parking situation is appalling. It betrays an utter contempt for very long-serving fans, many of whom now have mobility issues.