Rugby was better, the one thing they introduced I am not happy with is the reviewing of Yellow cards off the pitch. I can see why they introduced it to speed up the game but I'd still prefer the ref reviewed it himself at the time. I do think the Rugby approach is more suitable than that used for Cricket and tennis which are naturally stop start so there is a chance to review at the end of each ball/point It just needs the ref to look at close offsides and penalties/dangerous play. And it should be shown on the big screen not a small monitor which only the ref can see
Don't know if it's the same in the grounds but with cricket on TV you get to hear the full conversation between the on-field umpire and the official in the box. If football brought that in the ref's woild be crapping themselves!
No you cant hear but you do see the replays on the big screen. In Rugby its the same - only football does it all in secret, it doesnt even let the fans see the replays
You’d have to employ refs with the ability to string a few words together though. I’d suggest that most are so stupid that this would be beyond them
Solution - just scrap VAR. It was far more enjoyable as a sport before VAR came along. Can't imagine being in the Prem and celebrating a goal but not being able to really celebrate because you know there's a significant chance it'll be ruled out. Much prefer a quick glance at the lino - flag is still down, go nuts.
I like the concept but the implementation is dogger. Mainly because the technology isn’t good enough yet
But what good is an apology. No matter what you think of liverpool it is football that is getting a bad name with these idiots in charge of the whistle and VAR. But the FA and the EFL will do nothing about these amateurs at PGMOL spoiling their competitions. Its ludicrous they have to grow a pair and get it sorted
Sorry, I was being rhetorical in the fact that Liverpool got an apology, whereas we didn't. Of course an apology is no good to anyone. I agree with all you have said.
Pundits make me laugh when they say its not var thats at fault its those in charge,well if we went back to one ref there would be only one making the good,bad or subjective decision.Anybody would think this is the only horrendous decision or error theirs been,what a joke.Hasnt there been two instances with the perfect goal line technology didnt work,umpteen pubic hair offsides,unbelievable handball decisions, tackles that have led to bookings and sendings off only because they look twice worse in slow motion and bookings for celebrating a goal.So var in my opinion is at fault and the main thing about it is the spoiling of emotion and atmosphere at games.,10 Here's the VAR audio. So they actually discuss the fact Diaz is onside, **** up the initial communication and then seconds later one of them literally says “Delay the game, it’s the wrong decision” like 5-6 times and VAR just refusing to do so “Can’t do anything mate” Yes you can. It’s literally what you’re there for! What a **** show. Wouldn't be surprised if Darren England doesn't get another gig after this, absolutely disgraceful.
VAR needs binning for anything other than offside IMO - and even that needs a rule change, to avoid ridiculous decisions where someone's toenail is judged to be offside. The authorities have had long enough to get it right, but they're just getting it more wrong. Inconsistencies and human error can be explained when the game is reffed in real time. They simply cannot be justified at this scale, with the tech and resources they have available under VAR.
Sure we have had conversations with ref governing about refereeing at our games. Duff spoke to Webb last year about some of our poor decisions
I ‘think’ the issue here was that it was a mis-communication. But the VAR lads seem to believe that if the game has restarted they cannot overrule any further. If that’s the case, it’s actually more of a process issue than a human issue. It will be tricky at times with noise and clarity etc - but they should be able to correct a mistake with due process stopping it!