2030 World Cup to be held in THREE different continents: Europe, Africa and South America. I don't even know where to start with how ridiculous an idea this is.
It sounds like an idea so ridiculous only a few organisations would be capable of thinking it up. FIFA being one of them.
Times like this I think we would benefit from some kind of Supreme Global Emperor, to just stop utter madness like this.
It’s a bit bonkers but as usual the devil is in the detail. Opening 3 matches in South America then it’s Spain, Portugal and Morocco to joint host. just play it all in South America surely?!
Why not make floating pitches and stadiums and have the games played on all the worlds oceans instead. That's about as sensible as FIFAs decision.
What i detest most about this (especially after the Russia / Qatar decisions is that the ordinary football fan is utterly powerless to change these nonsensical decisions. Football is forever corrupt.
It’s quite a sinister move. According to their own rules if a country from a continent hosts one tournament then the next tournament has to be held in a different continent. What they’re actually doing isn’t paying homage to the 1930 World Cup it’s making sure no European, African or South American country can host the 2034 World Cup clearing the way for Saudi Arabia to host it. I can’t imagine there’s many Asian / Oceanic countries that can rival them & USA, Canada & Mexico are hosting the 2026 one. The only possible country I could see challenging them are Australia maybe with co-hosts New Zealand but money talks.
Have a look at the Cricket World Cup itinerary about to be played in India. Teams criss crossing across the country to play games, England have a minimum of 6 games and will cover just under 4,000 miles.
That's true, but it kind of goes with the territory, no pun intended, as India is a huge country. There's an argument for minimising travel for group matches, but on the other hand it's good for people in different cities to be able to watch different teams, especially in a country as cricket crazy as India.
Yeah I get that but if all 10 teams do the same that’s potentially 40,000 miles just for the group games. Normally in tournaments teams are based in an area with a bit of travelling not every game a minimum 600 miles away (furthest for England is 1100)from the previous.
40k miles is a pretty serious combined distance. I'd be interested to see how that compares with the previous Euros which was spread across the continent.
To be fair just had a quick look and for 2018 WC Englands group games included just over 600 & 1000 miles between games so on a similar scale just less games.