I think I can use this as a metaphor for the appealing immigration policy we are currently perusing today the government and courts prosecuted the ringleaders of the crime not the benefactors. Braverman you horrible c*ńt take note.
When crime affects the little guy no one gives a f,c,u,k. But those who try to take money off big business can get ready. A ridiculously long sentence for the crime.
Its my opinion that the UK only pursued peace with the IRA once they started blowing up shopping and financial centres rather than people.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...7million-Premier-League-streaming-racket.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/f...fans-worried-five-men-sentenced-30-years.html Watchers should be OK. The guy being locked up for 11 years loves a takeaway.
Aye, very impressive. Makes nearly £2 million in illicit cash and spends it on Doritos, takeaways, and presumably loads of cocaine.
More interestingly Mr Mansfield, both the Times and the Guardian reported the case as being heard at Chesterfield Crown Court. That's a new one on me! Was it Derby Crown Court sitting at Chesterfield, or have I missed something?
Same here! Has to have been the Crown Court sitting at Chesterfield Justice Centre (as they now seem to have styled the Mag's Court building!). I don't think their Worships have been given the power to dish out 11 year stretches yet!
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-12599023/Fraudster-jailed-Premier-League.html 2 and a half years in prison. Some operation he had to make a million from it.
Make football more affordable and the demand would be much less, I have one, I wouldn't have Bt/ sky sports/ movies if I didn't have a stick, simply because I can't afford it,
Whilst we're on the subject.....if I were to take one of these dodgy sticks abroad, whilst on my holidays, is there any reason it wouldn't work?
Ah, just discovered we'll only have 3 Mb wifi, maybe a friendly bar will have more, tho as they are 4 hours ahead, they'll probably be shut. As the Mrs has just pointed out......I'll have to survive without.