Going early with this one just to give a MASSIVE recognition to those travelling Reds for their dedicated support. Hope we get the result you in particular deserve!
Very interesting this one today. Last season Exeter were very tidy and had our number twice with their quick play and press. If they play the same it will be a marker of how we are progressing, inpaticular Russell and how he responds to a good press. Here's hoping.....
Spot on - well done to our fans. I was hoping to go to Orient, but the cost of travel is so high. £60 is the cheapest rail fare I can find. Yes i could go on the bus or drive, but the plan was to have a meal in London with my daughter. The cost of watching football is just too high. I take my hat off to people who regularly travel.
Only just noticed this thread before I started my own. Apologies - but I echo the sentiment. Outstanding commitment to travel there.
I forgot that the clocks went forward and tuned in an hour early. I didn't expect the stream to be already running. Shame about that annoying voice over.
Afternoon all. Hopefully, a solid performance and win, before another win for England at the RWC (although we're through already), and then birthday drinks and dinner in Cawthorne.
What’s the point of having a third kit if you come up against a side that plays in red and (big) white stripes and you still play in white?