Thomas Parsons, the referee vs Cambridge is the new leader, some way clear of the rest. Scott Jackson took charge vs Exeter in his first ever league 1 game.
A typical ‘Homer’ ref, gave the home team near enough everything - to avoid the crowd getting on his back I suspect. Not great. But not the absolute worst either. 3/10
I'm sorry Scott Jackson (wooooo) I am fo real Never meant to make yo daughter cry But i only gave you a 5
Rubbish, remember a cruncher on Styles in the first half close to pen area he was about 5 yds away and just turned away .
Not this week - this one isnt going to score highly and we won. He wasnt great, didnt have many big decisions to make but seemed happy to give them free kicks every time they went to ground under the slightest contact, but ignored far worse challenges on our players one on Styles has already been mentioned but the worst was a foul just outside the box, not sure if he played an advantage- ( there wasnt one because Styles was off balance and not able to get a shot away, so he should have pulled it back) or just ignored it. But there were quite a lot of examples where he played on when we were fouled but gave them to Exeter. Still at least he didnt ignore a clear penalty because there wasnt one at either end. 4 out of 10 from me
Maybe going against the grain a bit here, but I barely noticed him, which again is a really good sign for a ref having a good game. We're all quick to complain about the standard of refereeing in league 1, so it seems relevant to point out too when they're not entirely *****. So 7/10 from me.