Trolling both piggies on a footy facey group other day. Saying 4 points from 57 for the MASSIVE Sheffield. Couple tried firing back about the PO final, i just showed them their current positions. Obviously they reverted back to 6 finger/inbred BS. I showed them the article of the Sheffield Fritzl case. Their last go-to was some crap about whippets. Don't they hace a greyhound track next door..?
It's across the road from Hillsboro but yes they have a dog track chase em round on motorbikes sometimes I believe cruel sods
Is this fascination with them not getting a bit much now? They’re not a direct competitor this season. Let’s concentrate on those who are. We’re not without issues of our own either. We have a losing home record, an inexperienced squad that still has a few question marks; and importantly, an EFL charge hanging over us which could cost us a lot of money, plus possibly, though unlikely, even a points deduction. We’ve got enough to worry about in our own house, without knocking someone else’s. Let’s observe others suffering with a bit of silent class… if anything it will make it more enjoyable.
People are just having a laugh and some fun. Its completely fine. They did it to us for ages after POs. If the roles were reversed they'd be doing exactly the same. No harm in any of it
Troff surely you would rather be us Lee & Conway dont have full control anymore- chansiri does We've just made 9 million from player sales- they've made nowt Our main issue: a brand new defence- will improve and grow- swfc main issue: their aging strikeforce, won't
I'd rather have almost £10m in the kitty from the sale of our centre backs, replaced with prospects like Ļopata and de Givegney, than have us lose our main centre half (Flint) and be 60 odd million in debt, with no replacement prospects. Wednesday will be in the mire next season - we're looking up, with solid foundations beneath us.
I'd rather be them. In the Championship, looking up. Rather than in League 1 looking at potential Play-Offs. There's no getting away from fact if their season turns they're in Championship. We need an upturn in form for automatic promotion or it's the lottery of the Play-Offs. I'd swap places with them in a heart beat. Third worst day of my life after Ipswich and Laura texting me it was over and to sleep at my parents and pick my stuff up at the weekend.