Absolutely abysmal to call it off 2 hours before kick off when the away team/supporters have 150-200 miles to travel. Its been pissing it down non stop for about 18 hours, it was never going to be on. They've got form for this as well.
I drive past the New York on my way to and from work. At half 7 this morning, there was standing water in the surrounding streets. It's rained non stop all day, including an absolute deluge at about half 11. The traffic around Rawmarsh and Parkgate was abysmal coming home. It's clear it wasn't going to be on. Doesn't the referee take responsibility for that decision though, and presumably has to go to the ground to make that decision? I'm not sure where Mr Gillett resides, as it would be one hell of a commute from Australia.
Strangely enough. Pitch was playable apparantly, so nowt to do with ref. It was a last minute decision after the local authority ruled the areas around the ground, flooding etc were too dangerous. Rotherham station was closed earlier today as track was flooded. And Given the river at the side of the ground was alarmingly high. Should have been called off hrs b4. Poor show. Wonder if Sky had input into the decision. Delaying postponement.
Only those who went on the supporters bus to Newport only to get to the ground to see the team bus driving away from the ground, to be told the game was off due to rain will appreciate the misery. We did however have a good boozy night in Chepstow on the way back. 1980s? Can't remember
It will have been delayed as long as possible to try and get the game on, purely because sky were there. When the opposition and their fans are travelling as far as that, it is really poor. Though the pitch was apparently fine so it’s not on the ref. It was our friends at the South Yorkshire SAG (and Rotherham council) who called it due to the safety issue on surrounding streets. Mrs works in Rotherham town centre (paddy power bookies), she’s there now. McDonald’s closed earlier and the pub near there too, fear of safety to the staff. Buses running reduced and limited timetable, no trains as the station closed hours ago.
Yes I was on that trip. Remember singing in the pub in Chepstow, and afterward somebody being sick who was sitting near the back of the bus. Lovely smell all the way home! Come on, own up, which one of you was it!!?