I might be remembering wrong but wasnt it justified on Health and Safety grounds - if someone needed a lift to get to their seat and there was an emergency they couldnt use the lift to get back down and if they arent capable of going up stairs they probably cant go down them either seemed a pretty poor excuse but thats how I remember it
I had a few games there when we were all evicted from the West , me and Dad got completely soaked one game and we were sitting a reasonable distance back not an experience I am desperate to repeat if it can be avoided
Isn't the thinking that in an emergency the lift wouldn't be able to be used, so you would need to get yourself out and if you can't walk or not far you'd be a danger to yourself.
Poorly designed stand. Looks great but not a comfortable place to be in bad weather as many will testify to. Upstairs is dry I suppose but I’ve been up there a couple of times and it’s just too far from the pitch for me. The older we get the more comfort comes into it. It’s just the way it is I suppose
That is a poor excuse. That logic could be extended to banning disabled people from ever going upstairs anywhere.
That's why in offices you have such as evac chairs. And whilst people say "health and safety gone mad" they have plans in place for disabled people to effectively double up and help others escape. How feasible that is at football match I've no idea
The stairs ended up being too much for my Father in law , he had a season ticket for over 40 years and supposedly upgraded to the upper east when it first opened After a number of health issues which hindered his walking ability he asked if he could use the lift up to his seat Flat refusal with no explanation given He never set foot in the ground again
I think it's outrageous that the club's decision to open only East Lower for the Horsham game means that most of us loyal fans are not currently allowed to sit in the area of the ground in which we prefer to sit. What sort of a way is that to treat one's customers? How much more would it cost to employ a few extra stewards and allow us to sit where we choose? The ticket pricing is obviously very reasonable, but, personally, I would rather pay more to be allowed to sit in East Upper, where I have sat for years. I'm sure there are others who would like to sit in the Ponty or West Stand. Awful PR from the club It's almost as if they would rather we didn't attend at all.
I might be wrong but I'm sure we were told the lifts don't go all the way to the top anymore so disabled fans would have to disembark at exec level anyway and walk the rest.
Count me out. Football often just leaves you feeling cold these days, and I don't mean a November night on the ESL. Poor Horsham. 'Football' sucks.
It’s a barmy decision to only open ESL and will just serve to turn even more people away from going, especially given the weather we’ve been having and a potential soaking. Smacks of penny pinching on stewarding to me. Just find it sad that the FA Cup has come to this. Feel for Horsham too.
I drink cider and what is awful is we’ve had to buy Lowr tier knowing they will open the upper and lower tier only sell fruit cider aka fizzy ribena. Whereas upstairs does normal cider albeit in bottles. Don’t get me started on Ponty draught. No normal cider but rubbish like Johns or Spanish Carling. They should have said east stand open unreserved so nearer time realise folk want to go upper or lower
Should have been a weekend afternoon game, with every side of our ground open. We've done everything possible to ruin our opponents big day. I bet they regret drawing us now. They were delighted at the time.
Not only that but moving it to the Friday and only opening ESL is showing dis-respect to Horsham. Imagine us going to a Prem team and them only opening one side "because it's Barnsley!"