I liked the way he responded to the Shrewsbury pressure. 3 brave subs to change things up. Another sign of him progressing as a manager and stamping his style of play on the team.
They were a touch wayward weren't they. But that's what you get when you try a shot when it really isn't on. I imagine they had more shots than us tonight, but they weren't getting many on target because they were shooting when you shouldn't shoot.
It's still not quite there, but we're getting closer. There were a few periods in the first half where we kept the ball for like 5 minutes. And it wasn't passing it along the back line, we were probing and looking for weaknesses in their defence, going from flank to flank, moving their whole team about, it was mightily impressive. And then sometimes we just boot it up front and Cole (and Watters) are so fast that we're bearing down on their goal in the blink of an eye.
I think if we can click into gear from functional to playing near our capacity the rest of the league should be worried and you have to give Collins credit there given the issues at centre half he inherited.
Enjoyed that tonight, do wish we'd get a bit of an atmosphere going when 3-0 up though. Felt a bit flat tonight, but I'll put it down to crap weather on a school night and a tiny away following.
Great win and sold performances from everyone, especially pleased for Cole who I thought looked really sharp tonight.
I think you need a name change mate , maybe “Super NEGATIVE Tyke” would suit you better…… its as if all you wanna do is moan or groan, even your little bit of praise here is half hearted
Agree I was coming in to post something similar. That the first half rather than the crab sideways, it was more purpose tonight and looking to probe and push. 2nd half however, wasn't as much. But I was impressed with the efforts of the 1st half
Killip reminded me of Brad Collins tonight. Immaculate with the ball at his feet but dropped a couple of crosses! No issues with him thus far: Roberts has been great but Killip has done no wrong in the shirt.
Wasn’t really direct criticism tbh. I just don’t get why it’s done - and let’s be honest, without the explanation only just given, it’s a bit weird. Has come up in conversation by several people who have heard it. As for the suggestion that I revel in criticising the commentary….. I just don’t think that’s true.
Fleetwood might not beat the 221 Shrewsbury brought. I thought they made the most of their night chanting away at three nill down.