Been in our current seats for for many years and had no problems with others coming and going next to us over this time. This year it would seem that a couple have now taken two season tickets there. My son who is an adult but relatively slightly built sits next to the gentleman but this guy is quite thick set and sits in a way that is quite inconsiderate with legs more spread out than necessary. in addition he encroaches on my lad`s space with his upper body which in turn forces my lad to have to sit in an unnatural way moving towards me whereby I`m overhanging my seat on my wife`s space. All in all we`re all uncomfortable. I`ve tried in a subtle way to try to make it known how uncomfortable we all are but there doesn`t seem to be any change. Do we suck it up or do I make it clear how it is troubling us. Might so a bit precious but it is spoiling our enjoyment of matchdays.
The man-spreading is one thing but, out of intrigue, what are you expecting him to do about his upper body?
Not enough space between seats is a problem at most grounds. And your predicament is not unusual. I think it's a case of suck it up. Because moving might not solve the problem. Maybe if you are bigger than your son. You sit there and take up some of his space and spread yourself. Might take the hint. I reckon those that Design stadiums also design car parking spaces. Nay on impossible to open car doors fully.
Move somewhere where there's space to the side. It might sound harsh but I don't think people should be allowed to trespass into other people's seats that they've paid for and spoil the experience
Is it just me. I'm sure it's not but I'd rather suffer discomfort myself than inflict it on others in a situation like this. There's a lot of discourteous people out there.
Fatty boom batties should automatically be required to sit at least one seat away from other season ticket holders, or have to pay for two seats. Plenty of them at Oakwell who take up a seat and a half.
Lad who used to sit next to me was a nightmare for spreading his legs so it was a bit of a relief when he moved beginning of last season. Only problem is new bloke who sits directly in front of me sometimes leans right back in his seat so that his back is touching my knees. Once nearly asked him if he wanted to sit on my knee!
I’d go along with this and give him a dig in the ribs (accidentally of course) if needs be. Chances are he’ll change seats as soon as he can.
There's maybe not a lot he can do about it. Yes, he could close his legs, but the size of his upper body is the size of his upper body, nowt he can do about that. I don't think I'd say anything unless it was blatantly obvious he was deliberately taking up your space. Maybe try shifting your party around so the smallest in your group is sat next to him, and can fit easier. Failing that and if it's really uncomfortable, ask to change your seats.
Talk to him and say for his welfare and life choices you suggest he eats healthy and maybe a 4 or 5 mile walk 4 times a week, you'll not recognise him next season, Eat less and exercise ha ha
Depressing to read the predictable replies on this. Buy two seats, move to another seat from the one he's paid for, etc, etc. Pretty much only Jay and Hooky Feller have managed to reply without casting some form of abuse / derogatory comment towards someone they've never met. For the avoidance of doubt, I'm not the person in question, but would no doubt have the same abuse directed towards me.
I’m of generous proportion - and have restricted movement in my knee (which has contributed to my size as I’m limited as to how much exercise I can do, pretty much none) - so I moved seats several years ago to be on an aisle-end so I can have a bit more space for my leg. And everything else I need more room for… Had to sacrifice a more central seat, but it was for my benefit (and that of everyone else as well). As for the OPs dilemma. He’ll probably be aware he’s encroaching your lad’s space but there’s unlikely that much he can do about it. And don’t let’s all be too judgy either, you’ve no idea what issues or conditions people might have which contribute to weight gain.
If I had an issue and knew I was encroaching on someone else's space I'd be sure to explain and apologise to that person. Again, courtesy.
Option 1: Swap seats with your lad and you can deal with the big bloke. Option 2: Buy a kids season ticket (cost = £10) next to your Wife and you have three people then in 4 seats - hence a bit more room.
Joking aside. I'm a large bloke. I just book my seat on line and go for a gangway seat. That way I can put my leg in the gangway. Worked a treat at the Alhambra Theatre. That was painful.