May I suggest you make a donation to them directly, perhaps half or even the full match fee. That way they won’t lose out as much financially
Personally, I think the club should donate their 45% share of gate receipts to them, given how they've contributed to ensuring as low an attendance as possible. Even if the decision to move to the Friday was 100% out of BFC's hands (which is potentially feasible), opening up only the East Stand Lower is going to put off many people from buying tickets who might otherwise have gone.
Genuine question l, why are folk punishing Reds for something SYP have decided? Unless I’ve totally misunderstood
I think it's the fact that the club have made no intimation that they registered their opposition to the decision or argued against it. If they are ultimately powerless then say that but at least tell us they tried to do the right thing.
Syp have suggested they didn’t move the game themselves, only asked us and donny if either of us would consider it and that the fa came back to them saying our game had been moved. The suggestion being we might have offered to do so. I sincerely hope not; though to be honest, wouldn’t be at all surprised.
Why not instead go to the game and make sure enough money is taken through the turnstiles for em. Boycotting the game and asking folk to contribute is not the answer. They get 45% of the gate money (after expenses I believe) .
Yep, divvied up 45% each club 10% FA. Be reight, most of the warriors would not attend no matter when the game was played....
A proper boycott to register their disgust. (How else would anyone know different) Means turning up and not entering the ground. I don't see anyone doing that tbh. Wasn't that muted for an earlier game. ? Horsham have already banked circa £25k in prize money. Another Minimum £40k if they win the 1st round proper. I'll be there because I want to. It is also respectful to Horsham which a boycott is not imho. (emphasis boycott. Not just deciding not to go. Thousands will stay away for that reason)
I wont be there because a Friday night game doesnt work for me Id probably have gone if it had been a Saturday 3pm game as I will be at Dads that day anyway But I would also be put off by only the East Lower being open. I can see why they might not want to open the whole ground but to only open seats that arent under cover in November is just trying to scare people away.
Let's be straight: as Hooky Feller says, a real boycott would be to buy a ticket then not go. As "I'm Spartacus" says, it's dead easy to post on here as "support" something you had little intention of doing anyway. I'll be going to the game because I've supported The Reds for well over 60 years. I'll even brave the dangers of ESL even though I'm a season ticket holder in the geriatric WSU. I think it's a real shame that the game's not going to be on the Saturday and I think it's sad for the hard core (50 or 60) Horsham fans that follow them away and up to 1000 (?) others who would come on a Saturday that will be reduced by 50% or so, but I principally blame SYP whose statement reads, to me, like complete bullsh*t.
I think everyone should turn up at 3pm Saturday in protest. Then phone 999 so the police have to come to clear the congestion.
It seems a bigger insult to me just opening part of ground, it will seem that we don't respect them. But i know we do it to save a few bob, but it is not nice. Their fans would think more of Barnsley fc if we filled the stadium