I used to play it when I was younger. I never got how the doubling dice worked though. Answers on a postcard on that.
You’ve surprised me there mate......never thought you asking a serious question when saw the post .....was sure it was goin to be one of ya pissstakes
If you’re good at maths you’ll enjoy it, because it’s basically a game of probability. As with any game involving dice, there’s an element of chance involved, but you counter this if you’re good at working out the probability, and which are the best positions to block, etc. It’s a very tactical game if you find a decent opponent, and you’ll occasionally find yourself shouting “you poxy get” at some of their dice rolls, even though they are just playing the probability like you are! I used to play it online loads when it was part of the basic games on Windows (along with Minesweeper, etc). Haven’t played it for donkeys years though. My son’s quite good at maths, so maybe I need to teach him how to play. But if you’re decent at maths it’s a great game to play. Not as complex as chess, but good fun and needs a bit of brain power or a mammoth amount of luck. I wouldn’t go relying on the latter too often though.
No update on the doubling dice though? Know it is a betting angle on the game, but never got it. I haven't played the game in 40 years, but a few reminders about the board set up & I would be up for a game. I have a very mathematical brain. Chance is a big part of that game, so is strategy. A bit like winning a penalty in football TBH.