I hope they hve to start from scratch,as a phoenix club. AFC Wednesday, playing Conference North in their identikit 9,000 seater at Pitsmoor Park. George Waring to score a hat trick for Curzon Ashton, in a 4-0 drubbing, in AFC Wednesday's first competitive match
Dear oh dear...nothing coming out of the club but bad news. To be fair the chairman did say he wasn't putting any more money into the club, so the non payment to hmrc may be the first truthful statement he has made!
This is why you should be careful what you wish for. Wednesday now find themselves in a situation where the owner owns pretty much every saleable asset the club has, including the stadium (I know, asset is a stretch). The fans have protested for his departure, and he's essentially turned around and said, OK. He's willing to listen to offers for the club, but given the valuations being banded about, he's not wanting to take any less than what he's put in over the years, which is a lot. So he's lumbered with a football club that isn't performing, both financially or on the pitch, the fans are left with an owner that doesn't want to spend another penny, and doesn't really want to sell up, and a massive (sorry not sorry) squad with no resale value, as they're mainly all overhyped journeymen footballers. Unless someone buys them with a seemingly unlimited cash supply (the Saudis, or I've even heard Red Bull mentioned), then they're knackered. I don't see them coming out of an embargo until Chansiri has left, which might actually be a blessing for them, as they'll be forced to offload the expensive journeymen and rely on their academy, in which might be 1 or 2 saleable assets.
Tbh. Thankfully I dont have to contemplate ground sharing in a different town/city. But I honestly believe Ground sharing is sensible for major city clubs as is done in parts of europe. Clubs still have their own identity and fan bases.
Red Bull they think because their managers got connections with them they could be taken over by them... We've already been there.
Joking aside, there will be interest in purchasing the club...its just what this bloke wants i see as the problem. Unless you really have your head in the sand, the fans must see this latest news as the final nail in his coffin. I just can't see how he can continue, whats next admin? Chansiri has already stated he's not paying any more money in (at £500k per week) to balance the books.
With both Sheffield clubs apparently up for sale which one would be the most appealing to an outside investor? I would have thought Utd would be a lot more attractive as a going concern. I’ve not been to either ground for many years but I would guess Bramall Lane to be easily the better of the two, condition wise.
I'd say Wednesday have the bigger fan base always took better numbers to oakwell for aslong as I can remember I remember united bringing some quite poor followings for a big city club. Won't be popular but I think Wednesday is the most appealing club of the two.
Weren’t Paul Sykes the Barnsley business man gonna buy em once ? I think he’s dead now. I’m just enjoying it they can keep on with their 120+3 taunts we’ll have the last laugh C’mon Rotherham
But at what price? What is actually for sale? A large wage bill for worthless players, an unpaid tax bill and an overpriced relic of a stadium. The only thing of any value is the fan’s loyalty.
I wouldn’t argue re the respective sizes of their fan bases. The Wendies are massive after all. Whilst I dislike using the expression Utd are more ‘Oven Ready’ for any investor wanting to see a quick return in terms of success on the pitch