2876 is the record lowest for an FA Cup fixture - very real possibility we set a new record on Friday evening. There would have been 3 or 4 of us going if it was a Sat/Sun fixture - unless they open the upper tier there will be zero attending from our family. Bravo Barnsley, Bravo.
Recovering from a chest infection and normally sit in the upper tier where there is more protection from the elements than the lower tier. I was holding off buying a ticket as I was hoping the lower tier would sell out and they'd release tickets for the upper. It's looking unlikely and the weather is forecast to be poor so I'll listen in on iFollow instead.
Seems a real opportunity to aggressively market if we are allowed to. Cheap tickets. Kids for a quid / free tickets for schools. instead on the surface we just shrug. Feel it’s disrespectful to Horsham as well
There was a couple of years ago during lockdown but since then nothing. It wouldn't have been on ifollow anyway.
I seem to remember being in the ground with around 1200 in sometime early to mid 1970s. Think it was against Workington Town
From the safety certificate issued this summer East Stand Lower Level (incl 80 utilising Hosp Floor*) 3,618 Upper Level 3,514 Hospitality Floor (*360 gross) 280 Stand Total 7,412 Also North Stand 6219 (Includes 18 wheelchair spaces) – 619 (422 + 197 as clause 23 below) 5,600 West Stand Upper Tier 1,890 (1901 – 11 for gantry steps) Lower Tier 2,606 (2802 – 196 as clause 23 below) Miscellaneous – Directors/Press/Staff 48/50/77 175 Stand Total 4,671 Corner Stand Disabled Persons Accommodation Floor 68 First Floor 1 62 Second Floor 2 62 Stand Total 192 South Stand (Includes 27 wheelchair spaces) 4,499 TOTAL 22,374 That means that the club have a safety certificate to open both sides of the west stand if they choose to at any point.
I’m going with a grandson (though 2 family members had already promised to go to a fireworks display). Remember that we splitting to gate with Horsham so the more reds fans that go, the more Horsham will get. Just a thought!
It’s a crap day for the tie but all this bairning on here and talk of stay away protests is a bit pathetic really. Tin hat out.
I think it's one of the poorest things we've done over the years, try and increase crowds - only the free child season ticket when Patrick was here is the only incentive l can remember. We've had the odd fiver league game etc but nothing on a push for landmark season ticket sales.
There will be some moaning on here who wouldn’t watch this match if it was played in their back garden.
Don’t want us to lose, as a 3rd round tie against a big club would be good, but if Horsham pull off an upset I will have a smile on my face. Hopefully the club can learn from its incompetence, but then again it’s not the first time we’ve thought this in recent years is it.