I could watch this for ever. Only better if I was actually there. https://rhbcam.net/index.php/dockcam
One of the things on my list is to stop in the hotel where that camera is. Would be wonderful on a day like this.
Room 1 The Bay Hotel. We've stayed there a few times, sadly there hasn't been rough sea but it is still worthwhile.
The Bay Hotel is where my dad proposed to my mum. I love RHB and always stop off for a pint there, overlooking the sea and thinking of happy childhood memories.
The Bay Horse , fond memories. Saturday afternoon watching the scores come in. Lad behind the bar big Whitby town fan. Set up a tab . When he gave us the bill , aaaaaar much. Apparently loads of Black Sheep consumed. Next morning I realised his bill was probably right. Lol
I like Robin Hood`s Bay but prefer Runswick Bay - only problem is the hotel (Cliff Mount) was shocking last time we went.
Last time I ventured in there I would confirm, I saw some strange walking talking living dolls. I didn't go back in a rush. It's a nice spot sitting outside in the Summer.
When I was young my Nan and a couple of my uncles lived in RHB (in the days when most houses were residential and not all holiday lets like today) and we spent all the school holidays there. When the sea got particularly choppy it was not unusual for the water to come right over the houses and hit the houses on the west side of King Street, ie. the side where the Dolphin hotel is.
We used to watch the action from the sea wall, and regularly get soaked doing so. My Nan lived in the house at the end of Chapel Street/top of King Street, so she’d go and check out of her bathroom window every high tide to see if anyone was stranded at…I can’t remember the name of it, but Ness Point rings a bell. It was the 80s and I’ve slept since then! Basically, if anyone had been cut off by the tide, usually hunting for jet down that side of the beach. She’d then ring her friend who manned the lifeboat to go and get them.