Set up earlier today, so far raised £740 after 12 hours. At that rate it'll take 3 years 9 months to raise Chansiri's 2 million. Somehow I don't think HMRC will wait that long...
Some of their fans really are absolute mugs. Chansiri gets away with this **** because their stupid fans just do whatever he asks. Charging £40+ for a ticket? No worries, they've got to keep up the pretence of being a massive club so go along in their droves and keep being mugged off. Need supporter funds to pay HMRC because your owner is an utter chancer? No worries, set up a gofundme. Idiots.
They don't mind taking the pee out of themselves with the go fund me b0ll0x. But a Rotherham fan has offered em collection buckets. responses aren't friendly lol.
I was thinking of taking a collection bucket to Oakwell on Friday night to see how much I could raise for them. I'd start it off with my two pennerth.
Just 3 years ago our club asked fans to donate money to fund the club too and many people did it. We also put our prices up massively for pay on the day and many fans defended it. Wednesday fans aren't the only idiots or easily fooled, it's football fans in general or really it's fans of anything that are easily conned by that company, organisation or group. Music fans pay hundreds to watch a couple of hours if a concert, f1 fans spend thousands to watch a single race. A fool and his money are soon parted.
Only Guessing, but are you are talking about buying a season ticket during covid then. If so hardly a fair comparison ?. I genuinely dont remember owt about asking for donations. But again. Was it because of covid if so ? This Chansiri thing. is on a disgustingly other level.
Yes I mean the COVID thing and I know it's different, I didn't mean it as a criticism of our club or anything, more that fans of a club or group or 'thing' will hand over their money in larger sums than they really should do, to people who shouldn't really ask for it so the Dee dar fans can't really be criticised too much for giving their club money whe. They feel an emotional attachment to it. It's what many of us do. Still piss funny seeing them struggle though