Not a massive Beatles fan, appreciate what they did in bigger picture. Song is ok, not likely to be on many's "best of" Beatles lists though.
They used AI to bring Lennon's voice out of the background noise, but not to enhance it apparently. I really can't see the point of this sort of thing. Two of them are dead, the other two are a shadow of their former selves. Maybe it's time to just Let It Be?
Not a Beatles Fan anyway, but I hope after I die no one digs out some old recordings of me and publishes them. If I’d wanted them publishing I’d have done it myself
I listened and thought it was great. Then I watched the piece on the One Show from last night. All very poignant stuff. I’m not going to buy the single - last time I did that was 1970-something - but I bet plenty do
You'll not find many greater Beatles fans than me but I thought the song was just 'ok'. Pleasant enough but not great. I think it had too much hype tbh.
I've loved The Beatles all my life, and I love this new song! It hits all the right notes for me, and I think it does sound like a proper Beatles song too. Of course, it's not as good as some of the old classics, but I didn't expect it to be. They really could have messed this one up, so in a way this is actually better than I expected! Just the fact that I'm listening to a "new" Beatles song in 2023 makes me feel a bit emotional, but it makes me even more pleased that it's a pretty decent song!
Excellent. The song sounded o.k but for me you could tell it wasn't the natural sound. It sounded 2023. It needed to be made using the technology available from whenever the tape was recorded. 1970 or whenever it was. It didn't sound authentic to me. Reminded me of the re-hashed bit's in the Star Wars films to update them.
Apparently they had a go at producing the song in the early 90’s but didn’t have the technology to make Lennons voice clear enough but George Harrison recorded his part before he died at those sessions
Here's the official video that was released today: It's not exactly a great music video, but quite fun nevertheless. Makes me feel nostalgic. The more I listen to the song, however, the more I like it. I really liked 'Free As A Bird' and 'Real Love', and I feel that this is just as good as those two.