I'm actually distraught!
This after Mars panned dark Bounty’s as well… not a good year for my Mrs. Cadburys caramilk just isn’t the same.
Yer can still buy dark Bountys my favourite bar. My favourite of all time wa Cabbana bar,dark chocolate over coconut and cherries,miss those.
You can still get them for now; Mars have discontinued them though
Bought a Caramac from the Iceland shop in town about a month ago.Still as sickly sweet as I remembered from the past.
They’ve not tasted like real caramac for about 20 years. They changed the recipe to be more American I reckon and lost the flavour in the process.
I’d be more worried if OVD was in danger of disappearing. Google it if you are not familiar with OVD.
Bring back McGowans toffee you know the one with the cow on the packet used to weld your jaws together used to love it when I was a kid.