I’d fully expect the 1922 lunatics to come out fighting a breakaway Tory group appealing to the right wing might be a thing by tomorrow. That kills the reform Party stone dead and splits the Tory vote. Such fun
Spot on! He cannot be questioned the the House of Commons so cannot be held to account - maybe Sunak will appoint every Cabinet minister like this & avoid total scrutiny
Problem with that is all the scrutiny in the commons would be on himself, so I can't see him doing that!
Orsenkaht had 50 quid on. Experience of similar conditions and the rest of the field are all novices.
After the next election it'll be extremely unlikely. The only way it could happen is if they do what they did with Sunak, but in a general election she's completely unelectable
Should have kept Cruella around. Now she's going to be no part of the landslide coming, so will be seen by Tory members às a "clean" new leader when calls for Rishi to leave grows after the next election.
It's not without precedent, if I remember rightly Alec Douglas Home took over as Foreign Sec and later PM when McMillan fell ill. I think Peter Carrington was also a Lord at the time of his stint as Foreign Sec in the 1980’s.
It's about time we got rid of a system that gives awards to people who do just a job wether it be successful or failure. Hero's, I'm all for it but Cameron and any other celebrities a big no.
Conservative Party is crumbling before our eyes. Labour will be next. Both parties will have been replaced in the next decade
In a nut shell. Sunak found himself having to sack a threat to him. Looked around the cabinet which he formed and found there was no talent available to fill the void. Now had to go and appoint Cameron in the hope he can plug the gaps. Utter shambles of a govt. GE the only right way to go. But looks like the tories will just blunder on regardless. Not good for our future. It’s disgusting.
I reckon history will show that Cameron was the biggest disaster of the five clowns who led the country for 14 years.
If Cameron hadn't taken the Tories eurosceptic (in the EU Parliament they joined the anti-EU grouping whose name I've forgotten), then decided to have such an open-question for a referendum, we'd never have seen Johnson or Truss near No 10. His reckless arrogance cost the country a *lot*.
He was arrogant enough to think he'd win the Brexit vote and sacrificed the good of the country just to keep the Tories in power. I don't think he's anything like the monster Boris is or a lot of the current government but his actions caused just as much damage as they have.
Cameron back in the government, the complete shyster that enabled Brexit, said he'd do as the people said in the referendum, then ran off with his tail between his legs. What a complete shitbag.