The Cameron thing is probably the first time I've thought 'fair play'. It's a good idea - a politician of experience, and hopefully for a short period, holding a critical role at a critical time. Shows a bit of something IMHO. We should use the Lords rule more - get the best ppl into the jobs that serve us. Just like US.
What happens more regularly another Foreign Sec or Manager of Watford. Not often in life I agree with Danny Dyer but he absolutely hammered Dodgy Dave
It shows a certain political nous from Sunak (there's always a first) as a deliberate snub to the far-right loonies and to give his blue-wall MPs some hope in the general election. But and it's a massive BUT, Cameron is ultimately the reason the country is in the state it's in now by putting his party before the country and bending down to take it up the khyber from the ERG and UKIP. Also don't forget that he's as dodgy as they come with his financial dealings concerning Greensill. He's one of the very last that should be welcomed back into public life in any capacity. Also the Lords is full of gormless shitbags like Ian Botham (great cricketer, shocking "politician") and money grabbing grifters like Michelle Mone.
Rishi - "OK, I've got to sack Cruella, let's have a look and see who we can replace her with.... ok, move CleverBoy from Foreign to Home and then find a suitable replacement at the Home Office from my 350 MPs...................hmmmmmm, not a great deal of talent on that page, maybe on the next page, nope,,, ohhh this is difficult, they are all quite dim, rabid nutters or alleged rapists. I know, I'll bring back the bloke who I recently dissed in my conference speech and who caused Brexit chaos then dropped it all and buggered off leaving the country in a right state. There, problem solved. Now, on the with solving the real problems off the country.. those pesky boats".
I think he will be successful in presenting the Tory party as a little more grown up and sensible and appeal to some of the voters they were losing from the left side of the party. Fortunately I can see just as many f***wit right wing extremist voters heading straight for Reform.
Personally I think getting Cameron back into the fold is quite a clever long term plan by the Tories to be seen as a more centre right party going forward. I think their plan is to make themselves more electable, not for the next election , (I think they accept that they will lose the 2024 election), but for the election in 2028/2029. It's similar to Labour when they were led by Jeremy Corbyn and were seen as an extreme left wing party and got rightly annihilated in 2019 election. Corbyn was replaced by Kier Starmer. This facilitated the shift to a more centre left party which has made them extremely likely to be the party that forms the next Government.