Would have probably been Labour. But in 97 Tony Blair removed the right to buy council houses. And that was the reason she joined the tory party. Cos in a nutshell people on her council estate. would not progress. Boris was too nice to be pm. And he knew nothing or partook in parties at downing st. Erm. Now where is my peerage.
Are you sure Blair removed the right to buy? I thought it was more that the discount and buy back provisions were tinkered with.
Despite it being one of the main reasons for the out-of-control housing market over the last 20 years, Right to Buy still exists and is available for council tenants now. I think OP was quoting Nadine Dorries - one of the most stupid MPs in one of the most stupid parties.
I saw that letter yesterday. Brian Moore had asked any English teachers to mark it, and had a lot of responses. You can guess how well that went. Perhaps we should introduce literacy tests as a requirement to be able to stand as an MP?
I do like how "Boris is unforgivable enough"... And how most of her criticisms are the direct result of the policies she voted for and cheered over her time in the Commons.
No doubt he'll be solely to blame for the decrepit state of the country when the tw@ts get kicked out office next year. Or they'll claim that no matter how bad things are, they would have been so much worse under a Corbyn-led government. Wibble.
For a former Culture Secretary and published novelist you really would expect a better effort than that.