Whilst it may have been a factor, it is far from the only reason. A growing population, a shift in the demography, particularly to more single households and a failure to build the projected number of new homes needed stretching back to my knowledge to 2002. This results in pent up demand. Factor in first sub-prime mortgages to fuel the fire then long periods where there were virtually no new first time buyers who could get mortgages after the financial crash and it is a vicious cycle of boom and bust in the housing market. Politicians of all parties have done very little to smooth this out. The Tories had the help to buy schemes but when you read the small print they aren't great
GMB tv talking about her new book. Wasn't initially picked up by the presenters. I thought as soon as she said it. Wtf is she on about. Susannah Reid then pointed it out after a break. Realising she'd missed the point.