The world to be invaded by aliens, who could make us look at the planet in a different way. I.e. not wars that are meant to be about some sort of religion, but are really about resources. As that is not going to happen I'm happy to see the Tory Party & Sheffield Wednesday implode.
Remove religion from the world while somehow retaining the hope of heaven for those who believe. Or to put it another way combine all religions into one who believe in the same god. The only thing that religion would ask if people is that they try to be good people. No stupid rules about not eating this animal or that animal or not drinking or doing x y and z. Just be good people and you and your loved ones will be taken care of. Would end so much hatred and division instantly.
That's a great question, back in the 70s my answer might have been to have all nuclear weapons suddenly evaporate, as the thought of a nuclear war scared me to death (not helped by programs like the brilliant "Threads"). Now that we seem to have pushed that back so that it's seen as a remote possibility, I think my answer would be that we could suck all the CO2, Methane and other greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere and reverse global warming. All the other wrongs and injustices in the world we can live with but a rise of just 2 or 3 Celsius would be so catastrophic for the entire world as we know it, causing suffering for billions of people not to mention the scale of extinctions previously only seen in geological timescales that will come with it. Sorry to bring everyone down after last night's win but you did ask.
Every society which has explicitly thrown off the reins of religion and declared their intention to create a brotherhood of man in earth ends up killing vast swathes of people to achieve utopia. No, getting rid of religion isn’t going to help.
In a similar vein, I reckon if we ever manage to somehow seed ourselves a general artificial intelligence it would either annihilate us all or sort everything out. I quite often think it's a risk worth taking (not that we'd have a choice anyway).
Every new born baby has a 'nice' gene which makes it impossible to hate anybody else or any animals. The end of hatred would be great. I'd then respect Cruella and she'd be able to cuddle boat people, protestors, Muslims, police and Rishi Sunak.