Be interesting to see if Labour keep the ideas around when they get in next year.
There's plenty of benefit cheats but they won't get caught just the genuine ones who will be told to work even if it's obvious they can't.
You can trust the Tories to bring this one out in the run up to an election. As my brother says "The working class hate the poor". Most politicians know that going after the tax evaders will generate many more billions than pursuing benefit cheats.
Total waste of time and money. Typical Toreis. Next week they will announce a huge jump in the minimum wage. The one they renamed living wage to hide the fact they were not paying the "real living wage"
It's a poison pill, sneak it in a dying parliament and criticise Labour when they repeal it. Expect more of this.
On the plus side, any inheritance tax due to be paid on benefit claimants' estates will be halved in the Autumn Statement next week!
If the very wealthy just paid their taxes those on less than £50k would have no need to pay any tax. Pointing the finger at those at the bottom misses the real issue.
Yeah nowt to do with the fact that there isn't a proper Labour or Tory party these days. You can put a *** paper between their policys, both coming from the WEF.. Just a game of good cop, bad cop to their Globalist master.. Nothing to see here.. nothing will change, just actually get worse.. ED The three deleted letter's wereF,@g paper .. didn't know the bot censorship went that far .
I'd say the working class hate the lazy and work shy would be more appropriate. At one point people were really milking the system and were better off not working. Work isn't for everyone unfortunately.
Why wouldn't they? Labour has been a party, from its inception, with roots in protecting the skilled working classes, with an emphasis on working. There are way too many people milking the system, including corporations who don't pay their fair share of taxes either - why not go after both?
They won't go after their 'mates' who are fiddling their taxes ,not a chance, horrible government this.
Can't believe I'm reading a thread about benefit claimants and no one's mentioned mobile phones or flat-screen tvs yet!
Another attempt by Tories to bring in a workfare scheme. The last one - originally introduced by the witch - was scrapped in 2008 after a DWP report found it made it less likely for people on the schemes to find paid employment due to lack of time to apply and not getting the skills and experience needed by employers.